Simon's Story

Created by Mel 16 years ago
I met doc in a temporary lecture room on our first day at university; he made an impression. It was our first lecture and we were in a portakabin, all sat at our desks like junior school. Our rather stroppy lecturer had started with a bit of 'house keeping.' He ended saying that if you were late for one of his lectures, you should slide quietly in at the back and not disrupt everyone. He said he wasn't interested in apologies. He began his lecture. At this point the door burst open and in strode doc with a cheerful 'sorry I'm late.' Our lecturer said, rather acidly, that he wasn't interested in apologies, 'sit down and be quite.' Doc stopped dead in the middle of the room before briskly explaining to the startled lecturer; 'I said sorry for being late...not sorry for f***ing your wife.' The lecturer was stunned and speechless, but always better mannered in the future. Doc had made an entrance. Some time later in the lecture, we were taking it in turns to address the class. Another student, Alvin, managed to work into his address to the class that Doc would not be 'f***ing his wife because he had a vicious Alsatian.' When it was Doc's turn to address the class he managed to top Alvin by explaining to everybody that the reason he was late this morning was that he'd; 'had to take Alvin's dog for a walk....' No one will forget Doc, the world is a duller place without him.